Monday, 12 October 2009

goodbye tallinn

my last hosts in tallinn were four music students, living in a nice flat on uus street in the old town. i had been to their house-warming party a week before (by way of jimmy and trinn) and got on well with them, and so when i contacted mari again to see if i could stay there for my last days in tallinn, she agreed. she was studying piano and bagpipes, and was also busking now and then when time allowed, but we never managed a drum and bagpipe duet on the streets.

i hung out with them at another of their friends' house-warming party... some of them sure can down a lot of vodka and still stay on their feet! silja was breaking up with hendrik and we tried to console him as best we could, though he was trying to drown his sorrows with vodka.
the last day was pretty hectic, i had to get to the printers to get the books trimmed, one of which i gave to mari.

then to the hare krishna place to have a last delicious lunch there and say goodbye. i did a last busking stint on viru before i met up with katrin... she had got into town in time to see me off on the ferry. eckerö lines were doing a september special price of 150eeks for the crossing, half price from normal.... which for the length of the crossing is still overpriced.
so goodbye tallinn; aitäh!

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